Being an true hacker, in the sense that I can't see an unsolved problem, I decied to post a better way of doing it so she can read it from anywhere she is, as long as internet access is not a problem.
Here it goes:
We will be using the folowing plataform:
- debian gnu/linux (even though it all should work on most plataforms)
- imagemagick
1 - install imagemagick if not already installed.
If the command "dpkg --list | grep imagemagick" returns anything ImageMagick is already installed and you can skip this part.Use synaptic, aptitude or apt-get to install. In the example I'll use apt-get because it is what I usually use (old habits die hard)
apt-get install imagemagick
2 - convert PDF file into an sequence of PNG files
convert BrOoZine006.pdf pg-%03d.png
3 - crop the images:
Since I'll be croping the image to half it's size I'll ask for the image size:identify -format "%wx%h" pg-000.png
convert -crop 595x421+0+0 pg-000.png out.png
4 - reasemble the pdf file from it's parts
convert *.png final.pdf
5 - Script
And here we have a functional script that takes as parameters the name of the original PDF and the new PDF file.#!/bin/bash
mkdir imgs croped
convert $PDF_IN imgs/pg-%03d.png
WIDTH_ORI=$(identify -format "%w" imgs/pg-000.png)
HEIGHT_ORI=$(identify -format "%h" imgs/pg-000.png)
WIDTH_NEW=$(echo "$WIDTH_ORI / 2" | bc)
for FILE in $(ls imgs/*.png|sort)
NEWFILE=$(printf "%03d" $COUNTER)
DESTFILE=$(echo $FILE| sed -r "s#imgs/.*\$#croped/$NEWFILE.png#g")
convert -crop $WIDTH_NEW"x"$HEIGHT_ORI"+0+0" $FILE $DESTFILE
COUNTER=$(echo "$COUNTER + 1" | bc)
NEWFILE=$(printf "%03d" $COUNTER)
DESTFILE=$(echo $FILE| sed -r "s#imgs/.*\$#croped/$NEWFILE.png#g")
COUNTER=$(echo "$COUNTER + 1" | bc)
convert croped/*.png $PDF_OUT.pdf
rm -fr imgs croped
Copy the script above, paste it into a text file and then execute:
bash scriptname pdf_file new_pdf_file